
Unregistered Community designs: assessments to define their validity

01/07/2014 | Design

The regulation on Community design provides that a design (whether registered or not) must be protected at EU level as long as it is a new design...

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The interpretation of art. 25, par. 1, lett E) of Regulation CE n. 6/2002

26/07/2013 | Design

With the recent decision of June 27th 2013, the General Court (EGC)...

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Apple vs. Samsung in the UK

25/10/2012 | Design

Apple lost an appeal against Samsung in London. The Court of Appeal confirmed...

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Court of Justice: sentence in the matter of community designs or models

16/03/2012 | Design

With the sentence of February 16th, 2012 (C 488-10), granted during the cause between Celaya Emparanza y Galdos Internacional SA and Proyectos Integrales de Balizamiento SL,...

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Samsung's request for suspension of sale of Apple's new iPhone 4s rejected by the Court of Milan

10/01/2012 | Design

The first section of the Civil Court of Milan, presided over by Judge Marina Tavassi, rejected the request made by Samsung...

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ITALY: design and copyright

17/10/2011 | Design

The Conversion Law No. 106 of 12 July 2011 of the Development Decree-Law No. 70/2011 has completely cancelled paragraph...

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Invalidity of International Design Registrations

06/10/2011 | Design

International registrations of designs designating the European Union may be subject to invalidity proceedings before OHIM...

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Design: The new text of Art. 239 CPI

01/06/2011 | Design

On 13 May 2011 the Decree Law 70/2011 was published. It has been enacted with the new text of Art. 239 CPI...

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