Uffizi Firenze

With a very important decision, the Federal Court of Arizona has forbidden to a company of secondary ticketing the use of the word "uffizi" in its domain names. The company BoxNic Anstalt registered a number of domain names containing the name of the famous museum in Florence and has tried to defend its use saying that the word "uffizi" is nothing more than an old fashioned way of saying "uffici" (office in italian) and therefore it is nor referred to the Museum. The Court did not agree with BoxNic Anstalt's defense and not only prohibited the use of the word "uffizi" in its domain names, but has also ordered the transfer of all the domain names containing said word, such as uffizi.com, uffizi.net, uffizigallery.com, uffizigallery.net and uffizigallery.org to the Museum in Florence.

02/12/2020 | Domain Names