Flos S.p.A., the owner of the Arco lamp designed by Castiglioni brothers in 1962, succeeded before the District Court of Florence. The judges of Florence stated that the competitor Arco lamp CX-103, manufactured by House World Furniture of Li Weiguo, amounts to infringement of copyrights owned by Flos S.p.A., as well as to unfair competition and infringement of the trademark "Arco". The imitation of the well-known lamp is also subject to the assessment of the Court of Milan, where an analogous case is pending within an action started by Flos S.p.A. against Semeraro Casa & Famiglia S.p.A. The judge of Milan has nonetheless referred the matter to the European Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling. Particularly, the ECJ ruling will focus on the compliance of Italian provisions (in particular of article 239 of the Italian Industrial Property Code) with the European directive relating to the legal protection of designs (98/71/EC).