Peppa Pig, another victim of the "trademark squatting" in China

"Trademark squatting" is defined as a phenomenon that arises from the registration of trademarks belonging to others in order to make profits from the sale of these registered trademarks to their legitimate owners; in China, in particular, foreign companies have to face this problem on a daily basis mainly due to transliteration in Chinese. Peppa Pig was born in 2004 in England but in China arrived only in 2015 when the cartoon was broadcasted on the official Chinese national channel CCTV, obtaining enormous success. As a result, thousands and thousands of any kind of products began circulate bearing the Peppa Pig's trademark. According to various sources in China there are 21 registered trademarks that are variables of the Peppa Pig brand. In a recent statement, Entertainment One UK Limited, owner of the Peppa Pig trademark rights, estimated a loss of profit of $ 10 million that ended up in third-party pockets and the battle in this case is just the beginning.

10/01/2018 | General - Info