New Service Charter for the Trade Marks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union

The Trade Marks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union has recently published on its website the latest data related to the Service Charter. This document defines the aims according to the users' expectations and sets out concrete and measurable standards in three key areas (accessibility, rapidity and quality of decisions) which guide the service policy of the Office. Regarding the accessibility of the service offered, this document sets out in particular that OHIM should answer to 95% of the received phone calls within 20 seconds, handle at least 80% of the information requests within two days and treat 90% of the complaints within 14 days. Regarding the rapidity, the document sets out that the maximum term from the reception to the conclusion of the examination of the absolute impediments of a Community Trademark should be 25 days. For Community trademark oppositions, no more than 10 weeks should pass from the end of the proceedings’ adversarial part to the notification of the decision, and no more than 16 weeks for a cancellation proceeding. Regarding appeals, the document sets out that from the reception to the notification sending 10 days maximum should pass, while a maximum of 8 months should pass from the remittal to the Boards to the notification of the decisions ex -parte or inter partes.

02/15/2013 | Trade Mark