On October 30, 2009, at the Seoul meeting, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) has approved the use of addresses and web domains in non-Latin characters. Until now it was only possible to register domain names in Roman characters. Because of the several doubts emerged, it had been appointed in March 2000 a working committee to evaluate the possibility of extending the domain name registration, through the use of non-Latin characters. Following the consensus gathered from the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) and the Commission's final report, on October 30 2009, the organization responsible for assigning the management of Internet addresses has approved the use of addresses and web domains in non-Latin characters. Therefore, from 16 November 2009 it will be possible to register domain names, among others, in Cyrillic, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Hindi and Chinese. From this decision rises the need for the domain name holders to consider whether to register their domain names also in non-Latin characters, in order to prevent the abusive behaviour of third parties whose misappropriation generates a great risk of confusion or association.