First application of legislative decree 231/2001 on trade mark counterfeiting

The Court of Busto Arsizio enforced for the first time on trademark matters the legislative decree 231/2001 on administrative responsibility of companies. At the end of a criminal proceeding, Paolo Lazzaroni & Figli SpA was held responsible (beside the criminal liability of his legal representative) for infringement of the trademark Lazzaroni and subject to compulsory administration for a year to avoid the recurrence of crime. The Court ordered the seizure of the packages of Paolo Lazzaroni & Figli SpA's “amaretti” throughout Italy, with the explicit provision that the boxes "could be released from seizure and donated to charities and non-profit organizations". The event is part of a wider dispute that involves the afore-mentioned firm and D. Lazzaroni & C. S.p.A. which has the exclusive right to use the trademark "Lazzaroni" to indicate, in particular, the biscuits "amaretti di Saronno".

10/14/2010 | Trade Mark