FC Barcelona lost the domain name disputes

The Spanish football club FC Barcelona lost the domain name disputes over domain FCB.email against a fan of Bayern Monaco . On October 10, the National Arbitration Forum ( NAF ) has rejected the demand of FC Barcelona , the owner of the trademark " FCB " . according to NAF , the FCB.email domain has been registered by a German citizen Joerg Lindemer for e-mail services for fans of Bayern Monaco . The NAF therefore found that there was no clear and convincing evidence of cybersquatting , as required by the Uniform Rapid Suspension Policy and considered that , given that FC Barcelona is the holder of a Community figurative mark " FCB ", the same does not hold for all trade marks made by the acronym , " FCB " . Therefore, the disputed domain name has not been considered either identical or confusingly similar to the trademark of the club. In addition, the three letters FCB (acronym) , were not considered sufficiently distinctive to be confused with the disputed domain. This is because there are many trademarks consist of the letters FCB , in particular 151 listed in the database TMview.

10/23/2014 | Domain Names