EMI vs. Vimeo: a question of lip dubbing

EMI recently filed a legal action against the online video sharing platform Vimeo for the copyright infringement for allowing its users to upload videos where full length copyrighted songs were lip dubbed. EMI’s strategy is to challenge Vimeo not on the violation occurred for the uploading of entire protected songs, but for the lip dubbing itself. This practice is indeed popular among the users of the online video sharing platform and was actually promoted by it. It is interesting to note that EMI has adopted an approach to attack the Vimeo on a matter not covered by the "safe harbour" grated by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which guarantees to the service provider that promptly removes the reported infringing material not to be held liable for the violation carried out by its users. The ball is now in the Court yard, and the outcome will be interesting also in the light of the Universal Music Group v. Veoh case.

12/21/2009 | Copyright