"Decreto Rilancio" remodels the "historical trademark" in Italy

Less than one year since coming into force, the "historical trademark of national interest" has already changed. Despite little resonance so far, art. 43 of the "Decreto Rilancio" (a government act to fight impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on the national economy) has on the one side allocated for the year 2020 a € 100 mln fund for the rescue of historical trademarks owners (to be shared with enterprises with more than 250 employees); on the other, it has deleted art. 185-ter of the Code of Industrial Property, which provided burdensome reporting obligations for those enterprises willing to shut plants, relocate or decide collective redundancies, as well as fines related to the breach of such obligations. Since now, recording the "historical trademark" in the relevant register will merely be a requirement to enjoy economic measures against the crisis a company (owner of the "historical trademark" should go through.

05/21/2020 | Trade Mark