COPYRIGHT AND SOCIAL NETWORKS: NEW ATYPICAL OF LEGAL PROTECTION AGAINST NEW KINDS OF PLAGIARISM The never-ending social and technological revolution of these years has given rise to the appearance of new kinds of questions related to the legal protection of the copyright. The present protection sadly lags behind the recent IT evolutions trying to catch up on the reprehensible present legal lacunae, so attempting to offer new forms of protection. After pictures and videos, social networks’ messages posted by users now enjoy of a new peculiar form of protection: jokes, aphorisms and opinions shall not be reproduced within social networks without the previous copyright holder authorization. This factual right-in-time and welcome adjustment of copyright’s regime has been introduced by Twitter authorities in order to protect its users, whose original tweets could have been easily copied by other users so using for their profit other’s good ideas on their profiles without author’s approval. Against the reproduction, by few users, of a joke initially posted by a californian free-lance, Twitter authorities strongly intervened to stop “tweet plagiarists”, rubbing out their non authorized copies: the mere fact that a sentence posted on a Twitter profile appeared later on on another user’s profile has caused the immediate removal of the tweet upon request of the original author. The Twitter’s world goes on quickly and, therefore, in order to fight against new forms of plagiarism it is necessary to introduce, right in time, atypical forms of protection which don’t need to go through a judiciary or administrative procedure: the social network acts like a public authority by managing users’ requests of protection of their copyright. The tweet’s content is finally considered as an intellectual work protected by its own copyright regime. Obviously, it is only the moral content of the copyright which is, in this way, protected. Indeed, what Twitter does so far is simply to recognize to its user, and acting upon his request, that he is the author of the tweet and to offer him the prerogative to be, in this network, the only one who can use the wording of the tweet he has posted. On the other side, as far as the economic content of this prerogative is concerned, the Twitter's world is still to be discovered, and much will probably depend on the importance of the message and of its success among the users. So, let's tweet and see!