"The goal is always to raise public awareness on the need to fight a phenomenon that, over the last ten years, has increased by 1600%. And we need to do this decisively; we must fight the counterfeiters to protect producers and consumers." These are the words spoken by Stefano Maullu, representative of Pdl (an Italian political party) in Lombardy and assessor in the Lombardy Region for the local Police. Counterfeiting is spreading fast in a number of industries, but the ones suffering the worst consequences are: - Fashion - Apparel - Leather There is also a particular increase in the areas of: - Watches, - Production of shoes - Perfume - Eyewear - Electronics (software included). - Cigarettes - Sports equipment, - Furniture - Toys - Spare parts for cars and airplanes. Among the major European producers of counterfeit goods are Italy, Spain, Turkey and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Italy distinguishes itself for the phenomenon of irregular work (12% of total employment), for tax evasion (17% of GDP) and for the size of the counterfeit industry (with a turnover of between 4 and 7 billions euros). "Milan and its surrounding areas - explains Maullu - are among the most concerned areas in the production of counterfeited goods together with Naples and the province of Prato, where the presence of Chinese workers is extremely strong. Only last month, nearly 1 million products, from toys to electronics, was seized in the provinces of Lodi and Monza, and 17 million counterfeit items of clothing were seized in a huge warehouse in Corbetta, near Milan. Gloves, clothes, shoes, scarves, all designed to be marketed in Lombardy and now donated to the Red Cross. According to figures provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, in Lombardy counterfeit and violations of regulation on product safety and “Made in Italy” cost Italian companies 3.4 billions euros a year, or about 4,200 euros for each single firm. "We must also take into account – said Maullu - that the counterfeit items are manufactured, in most cases, in complete disregard of the health and safety rules, thus putting at risk the consumer. The situation of workers too is harmed by this unlawful process.”